Advocacy, Legislative and Policy Updates
Public policy is important to NAFA members; how policies are developed and implemented can have significant impacts on fleet costs and operations. NAFA engages actively in public policy advocacy at the federal and state levels to ensure that policymakers understand how policy affects fleets and helps them develop policies that avoid unnecessary burdens on fleets. Whether it is engaging with elected officials and their staffs or with regulatory agencies, NAFA, and its members help to make the views of fleets heard by policymakers. NAFA members are fleet experts, and your voices are critical to effective advocacy by NAFA.
NAFAs advocacy activities are directly guided by the membership through the board and the board Government Affairs committee, as well as through NAFA’s regional organizations. We encourage NAFA members with an interest in public policy to engage with us to advance better policies for fleets.
Contact NAFA’s Legislative Policy Team
NAFA’s Legislative Counsel gives voice to issues concerning the entire fleet management community in the United States and Canada. Counsels coordinate voice and keep members informed of critical updates so they may respond quickly and take a proactive role.
NAFA retains the experienced policy advocacy team at HillStaffer to support our advocacy activities. If you have questions about policy and advocacy activities or would like to discuss an issue needing attention contact our HillStaffer team.
NAFA Regular and Associate Members may request information on specific pending laws or regulations without charge by directly contacting:
NAFA Advocacy Lead:
Michael Parr:
NAFA Public Policy Lead:
Michael Taylor:
For NAFA Advocacy Member Engagement:
Amy Plaster:
NAFA provides information on current and proposed laws and regulations; however, NAFA does not provide any legal advice, which must be obtained from your own attorney.
Upcoming Opportunity: Attend the Fleet Advocacy Webinar Series
Legislative and policy changes directly and indirectly impact your fleet operations on a daily basis. Gain the tools to be an advocate for the fleet industry through upcoming Fleet Advocacy Webinars, which equip you with the knowledge necessary to be a champion of the fleet-related legislative issues that matter most to you. Webinar registration is included as a benefit of NAFA membership.