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OneNAFA: Building Our Future Together



Is this happening right now?

The restructure will take some time. Implementation efforts will be ongoing throughout 2022 with the beginning of an official roll-out of the regional model beginning in 2023.

How will the new regions be distributed geographically?

The new NAFA membership model consists of eight regions. View our map showing the locations and names of our new regions. Thoughtful consideration went into determining each location including where members are located throughout North America, proximity to metropolitan areas and an even distribution of existing chapter members.

How was this decision made?

The NAFA Board voted to restructure the current chapter membership model to a regional governance model designed to enhance the member experience. This was done after thoughtful consideration of current association best practices, member surveys, member experiences and all viewed through the lens of how we not only enhance the member experience, but also develop a consistent NAFA experience for members regardless of where they work. Over the past few years, NAFA leadership, staff and groups of members have shaped a high-level plan to develop a regional structure determining what it looks like and how the regions will be dispersed geographically.

How will the regions be governed?

The Regional Councils will consist of a team of peers from various areas of the region who will work together to identify the priorities for meeting the needs of the members in their region as well as setting the course for activities, allocating funds, and serving as a contact to the national organization.

In addition to the Regional Councils, NAFA Local Networking Groups (LNGs) will be maintained (ie, existing groups such as NAFA Chicago, NAFA New Jersey, etc.) and new LNGs built to facilitate the development and operation of a local presence for NAFA. These LNGs consist of a group of peers in a convenient geographic area where they can connect and build affiliations. New LNGs will be organized and authorized under the NAFA Regional Council. Assistance with activity coordination, administrative needs, and funding requests will also be handled by the Council.

View the full OneNAFA Regional Restructure Guide for detailed information around these opportunities including expectations, protocols, best practices, roles, and responsibilities.

NAFA members are encouraged to serve the industry and association by getting involved at the Regional or Local Networking Group level. Members can sign up to serve on a Regional Committee, Local Networking Group, or a future Regional Council (2023-2024 Councils have been finalized). Express your interest today!

How will NAFA support the regions?

A regional system allows us to provide volunteer leaders with dedicated NAFA staff support to assist with everything from event logistics and content ideas to help drafting articles, career assistance or engaging in a charity drive and more. NAFA will actively work to help provide content and event opportunities for each region that will not place any additional financial burden on the region. NAFA staff will be here to help maximize the efforts of the volunteer leaders and ensure you truly utilize all the tools your dues dollars are going towards.

What does this mean for you?

Increased opportunities for members to get together locally to develop relationships and learn with and from each other. This was all done through the lens of helping all NAFA members make the most of their membership regardless of where they work as well as reducing the organizational load borne by volunteers allowing them to spend their time focused on creating productive learning and networking opportunities for members in their area.



Will current chapters stop operating?

Local Networking Groups (LNGs) include NAFA chapters (i.e., NAFA New Jersey or NAFA Chicago) and newly formed organic groups based on the desire of the members. The administrative burdens of operating a local group will be alleviated. The best part about this change is you can continue doing all of the things you loved doing with your current chapter. If you want to throw that holiday party or meet in your city for a lunch-and-learn, you can still do that. This change is about offering more capabilities, not taking away existing ones.

What happens to the chapter funds?

Chapter funds aren’t going away and aren’t going to be diverted in any way toward national NAFA efforts. Funds will be held in individual region sub-accounts where they will be allocated to support the local initiatives and activities. Additionally, NAFA national is planning to invest funds into each Region to help support events for every region.

Will my chapter lose funds we had planned to use for upcoming events?

None of the money will be used for NAFA national initiatives, and NAFA national is planning to invest funds into each Region to help support events for every region. While chapter bank accounts will be dissolved, the money will be held in individual region sub-accounts. Income from events produced by each region will be deposited into the respective region sub-account. Each local planning group’s balance will be tracked and reported separately so you’ll know how much is available for your programs.

Are local groups still responsible for securing insurance for events?

All insurance needs will be covered by NAFA HQ, meaning that current liability exposure that NAFA’s separately incorporated chapters currently have goes away.



Will leadership opportunities still be available for local volunteer chapter leaders who want to stay involved?

If you are a current chapter leader, there will still be opportunities for you to be involved at a leadership level whether that is on the Regional Council, as part of a more locally-focused committee that the Council creates, or continuing on as a leader of a Local Networking Group. More information on specific volunteer opportunities is available in this guide.

How do I become involved at the leadership level?

Nominations are now open for volunteer leadership positions within our new regional model. We need you to be an integral part of our efforts as we transition to this exciting new format.

We are seeking volunteers to serve on one of our eight new Regional Councils. In addition to the Regional Councils, we will also be gauging your interest in serving on a NAFA Local Networking Group (LNG) or as part of a committee.

NAFA members are encouraged to serve the industry and association by getting involved at the Regional or Local Networking Group level. Members can sign up to serve on a Regional Committee, Local Networking Group, or a future Regional Council (2023-2024 Councils have been finalized). Express your interest today!

Will volunteer leaders at the local level maintain control over what goes on in their local areas?

Yes! Yes! Remember, local volunteer leaders still call the shots and will continue to plan and produce local programs as before. The region leadership and program teams will continue to plan and produce local programs as before. Now, local leaders can spend their time and energy doing the things they care most about and focusing their attention on efforts that truly advance the profession and benefit all members. Read more about how our Regional Councils and Local Networking Groups will operate.

How does this change how Chapters currently host events?

This is not meant to stop leaders at the local level from doing any of the activities they currently do and love with their existing chapter members. They can still hold local happy hours, golf outings, holiday parties, and more like they always have. This does mean that you have a broad array of new opportunities available to you as a NAFA member. It is meant to facilitate idea sharing and open up opportunities for those willing to travel or interested in tuning in to a livestream when hybrid options are available. Within and across regions, you will have easier access to a broader array of content ideas, best practices and potential speakers.

How will this relieve administrative burdens on current Chapter leaders?

This is one of the biggest benefits of the restructure. Local leaders can focus their time and energy on the most important pieces of local engagement, rather than dealing with administrative burdens. Local leaders will no longer have to worry about any of the following:

  • No need to maintain bylaws – regions will operate under a flexible operating procedure guide established by the regional council as well as NAFA Bylaws.
  • Event registration logistics – NAFA will provide staff support to assist with the logistics of running a local event when needed.
  • Membership database and email lists – aside from the hassle of maintaining most up-to-date emails and cross-referencing member names that have entered multiple email addresses, increasing privacy regulations and potential for personal data to be shared improperly or hacked is a serious concern if local leaders were to still be responsible of maintaining the member list.
  • Bank account management – no need for local leaders to track down the former treasurer who left the industry to update signature cards or pay attention to monthly statements.
  • State and federal reports and tax filings for individual chapters – will be a thing of the past.
  • There will be no more bookkeeping responsibilities – aside from providing receipts for expense reimbursements or invoices for payment.
  • All insurance needs will be covered by NAFA HQ – current liability exposure that the separately incorporated chapters have goes away.